Oaklawn Farm Zoo

The Entrance to the Oaklawn Farm Zoo, Aylseford, Annapolis Valley, NS

A visit to the Oaklawn Farm Zoo in Aylseford is a must while you are visiting the Annapolis Valley. This is Nova Scotia's largest zoo plus it has the largest display of Big Cats and Primates in Eastern Canada.

A Little Background


The summer and autumn of 1815 saw an invasion of mice such has never been seen before in the history of the province or country. They caused much destruction before it was brought under control, including enough damage to crops to threaten a famine throughout the valley.

In 1993 one hundred and twenty-five buildings were designated as heritage properties in Annapolis Royal, which is believed to be the most for any one town.

In 1838 the Western Stage coach Company was formed to operate four-horse drawn coaches from Halifax to Annapolis Royal three times a week during the summer and two or three times a week during the winter.

Having volunteered her services to enforce curfews and patrol the wharves in Annapolis Royal, Rose Fortune, a black loyalist is believed to have been the first police woman in Canada.

In 1959 an unnamed hurricane swept across Nova Scotia killing 33 people, mostly lobster fishermen. Hurricane gales reaching 120 km per hour were reported causing considerable property damage.

A popular Maritime saying is "Red sky at night - sailors delight; but red sky in morning - sailors take warning."

In sailor's terms if you are "feeding the gulls" then you are being seasick.

Nova Scotia was the first province to issue coinage, the halfpennies in 1823.

According to Nova Scotian folk medicine, you should place salt fish on the patient’s feet to combat a fever.

Taking its name from the mill built on its banks by loyalist Henry Magee, the Mill Brook dissects the Main Street in Kentville.

You could buy boneless cod for .20 cents a pound or squirrel peanut butter at .35 cents a pound at the North End Grocery, Annapolis Royal in 1921.

Tom Forestall, a native of Middleton is one of Canada’s best-known artists. In 1960 he received his first major commission – a painting to be presented to Princess Margaret as a wedding gift from the Province of New Brunswick.

In June of 1797 many buildings in Bridgetown and Granville Ferry were destroyed by a severe thunder storm.

In a three-masted vessel, the mizzen mast is the mast closest to the stern.

A late snow in the spring is said to be "poor man's fertilizer".

The last convicted criminal that was hanged in Nova Scotia happened in 1933.

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